


Find usefull information below. Still require help? Contact us via Twitter or write an email to us via our contact page.

How do i place an order?

While the web pages are excellent for presenting and advertising our products, we understand that our customers would like to meet us before they make any purchase. That's why we implemented the system that lets you talk to the CEO before you buy our services.

How do I order if I don't have X/Twitter?

Go to the contact us page and send us a message there with the name of the platform you would like us to use to get in contact with you. Alternatively, you can simply email support@eafchq.com.


We offer professional players who are experienced in winning all games in playoffs and the Weekend League. With our expert assistance, the risk of failing to reach your desired rank is significantly reduced. While we cannot guarantee a 100% rank, we offer a free Basic Playoffs (4 Wins) and a discount for your next order.

Do I have to have a specific team or high end meta players?

We understand that not everyone has high-end meta players. While it may be easier for us to have meta players, a normal team will suffice. In case there are any issues with the team, we will work together with you to find a solution and achieve your goal. We value effective communication and strive to provide a smooth and efficient experience for our clients. 

How are transactions done?

After you have clicked on the "Order Now" button, it will lead you to X/twitter of our CEO: FUT - Deepview. There, you can contact him and arrange the terms, payment details, and ask any additional questions regarding the service.

Still need help? Contact us below.